Monday, June 19, 2006

ceremony, bilocation and the further decline of civilization

The people behind us in the stands at Rory's commencement at Ramona. The guy in blue had been obnoxiously messing with his cellphone and was pointing its camera at us, but turned to avoid being photographed when I turned around with my camera. They all got upset at that point. The woman above him and the guy next to her with the camera were also involved, and just put on those serious-attention-elsewhere poses when I got ready to take the shot.

I haven't the time or energy to write a proper post right now, but I wanted to save a spot here for an upcoming rant on the rudest audience crowd I've ever been in. It was at Ramona's commencement last week, which Doni, Paige and I attended to watch her boyfriend Rory graduate. Stay tuned and you'll hear a tale of punk kids, dishonor, and bilocation. More when I get a chance to decompress.


Blogger Donita Curioso said...

Yes, they sucked.

6/20/2006 10:50 AM  

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