Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Ernie Fosselius on Rocketboom

Our friend Ernie Fosselius and his "Mechalodeon" mechanical theater are featured on today's Rocketboom vlog! He even demonstrates an automaton of his (and our) friend Amelia!

Way cool, Ernie!

(Nice Sonoma County beauty in the background...)

For some great close-ups of the automatons, look here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay for Ernie!

I love that old fashionedy carnival-type sign!

9/13/2006 9:17 AM  
Blogger Jim said...

Ernie's really a great guy..

9/14/2006 6:37 AM  
Blogger Jim said...

WF, yeah, I think that the pedal-powered mechalodeon car looks way cool, and the idea of Ernie showing up at some event with his hat, shirt, pedalcar and automatons seems so cool!

The automaton is Amelia is so cute too!

Yep, and a lot of milestones this year for the fallbabies! Doni and I: 50, and a bunch of other such too. Mine's Nov 5, but then you didn't ask... ;->

9/14/2006 2:37 PM  
Blogger Windfurfer said...

It is great to hear Ernie talk about how the High Tech audiences (he's displayed it at Pixar, O'Reilly, Make) react to his low tech mechalodion. It's a good contrast.

9/14/2006 9:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wee! Thanks for showing us that, Jim! I wouldn't have seen it if you hadn't posted. I feel pretty honored to have my own little me made of wood! That was before I even knew he was making it for me :)


9/14/2006 9:50 PM  
Blogger Jim said...

WF: Pixar too? Neat! A neat group of techies!

Amelia, you're welcome! I just figgured you'd be total insiders on this, huh...

Wow, that's extra special that he was describing it before you even knew about it!

9/17/2006 12:23 PM  

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