Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Happy 70th birthday, Hammond Organ!

The BBC recently put out this short (less than ten minutes) documentary episode on the Hammond organ. I think it's about the coolest introduction to the Hammond that I've seen, featuring its history, Jimmy Smith, Keith Emerson and Steve Winwood among others, and some great shots illustrating the Hammond's internal workings. I hope you enjoy it.


Blogger Windfurfer said...

Cool video Jim; thanks for pointing it out. Happy Birthday!

8/09/2006 8:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I happened upon your blog by random chance. It reminded me my parents have a Hammond C3 sitting downstairs and a Hammond M3 upstairs. I want to get the C3 into my house so it will actually get played once in a while. Of course it will have to be in the basement because it's huge, and with the Leslie and the echo speaker it would more than fill my living room.

I'm going to work on my father to see if he'll let me have it.

8/12/2006 10:27 AM  
Blogger Jim said...

Hey Windfurfer, you're welcome. Glad to see you all made it home alright. I see that Amelia's going through withdrawal; I suppose that that's an indication of a truly moving experience.

Anonymous, good luck with your parents' Hammonds.
If the C3 is too big, you might consider the M3, which has basically the same sound (it's called the "Baby B3"), except for the bass. If you bring one home and it has any problems, contact me; they're probably easily fixable.

8/12/2006 12:15 PM  

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