Thursday, May 12, 2005

Klones at the Cigar shop

Tonight was the first time that I've played with Ken's old band, The Klones, in quite a while. They were invited by our old neighber Brett Miller, to play for one set at the Cigar shop downtown next to Lake Alice. It went well. Brett is a very professional keyboardist, playing the blues. He played with a deep south piano feel. This was a practice for playing at the Orange Blossom Festival in downtown Riverside (on May 21, 2 PM, Budweiser Stage). I guess we're going to practice next week too. The band was Tim, Tony, Ricky, Shawn (sp? Shaun?) and me. There weren't _that_ many people smoking there, but there were enough to make me smell like smoke.

I saw a jukebox today that is connected to the internet. It has a very limited local library (about 100 albums), but you can download from a very large catalog. But it's one "credit" for 50 cents, and 3 credits for a dollar, and downloading appears to take two credits. But I didn't realize that until I bought one credit. Otherwise, the room was going to be filled with extremely esoteric music. Oh well; they got The Doors' "Alabama Song". I like the Kurt Weill arrangement better.

But I meander...

Writing blog posts is funny; public/personal, broad/intimate, and probably boring to most....

Good night.


Blogger Jim said...

Hiya Dean!

I knew you were legadillo, 'cause it's your email address. The Chevelles sound pretty good; hey a band that looks older than us! Kinda heavy on the harmonica, but otherwise cool.

I'd love to see you again, come on out whether ya need to or not!!! I'd come out there, but Austin is just too near Texas, heh...

If there's any way we can help with the birth certificate, like maybe going down there and demanding it or something, let me know. But still come visit! Hey, pretty soon, we'll ALL be lining up for birth certs, for RealID or whatever the hell it's called (NeoCons: forcing Revelations on us since WTF...). That'll be RealFun!

It's been fine here; it's nice to have some time alone (I know Doni feels that way too). Yesterday I worked on the pool some, and did some chores, etc, until I went out and played with the Klones. Today I plan to study appraisal until I go over to Ken's to play some music. The weather is just beautiful (got to 90 yesterday).

5/13/2005 10:19 AM  
Blogger Brother Atom Bomb of Reflection said...

I'm always wary of any band whose name starts with "fabulous" or "mighty." It's just me.

5/13/2005 10:14 PM  
Blogger Brother Atom Bomb of Reflection said...

The Fab Chevs remind me of the time I went to hear Jimmy Vaughn. His band was made up of a bunch of middle-aged chubby guys, all of whom were bald. Soembody needs to explain to me how to do that link stuff.

5/13/2005 10:17 PM  
Blogger Jim said...

I usually interpret superlatives in a band name as tongue-in-cheek. Like "The Mighty Mighty Boss-Tones."

I've had trouble doing links in this blog stuff, I don't know how Dean got it to work, but here, I'll try using her format:
Rancho Curioso Okay, that worked. BABOR, I'll email you the text so you can see it.

5/14/2005 10:04 AM  

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